Your personal injury expert helps claiming a maximum compensation

The victim at the heart

In the case of injury, it is a good choice to call in a personal injury expert. That applies to the born Dutchman, but certainly also if for example you are not fluent in the Dutch language and/or are not familiar with Dutch culture and the world of personal injury.

A personal injury expert can show you the way.

As a victim you have your hands full with the personal consequences of for example an accident. The consequences are often serious, also financially. A specialist in the field of personal injury can assist you if you are physically or mentally injured at the hands of another.

How to proceed?

That is the question with which my commitment as personal injury expert usually begins. As a victim in a personal injury case, you will be confronted with many things. And I not only mean the personal agony, which in itself is bad enough. No, besides your personal distress, you will also be faced with the various legal and medical issues, which are involved in the context of your injury case and any compensation.

How do you for example make the other party liable? Are you eligible for compensation and if so, for how much? What are the exact consequences of your (temporary) incapacity to work? And there are many more questions to ask.

In finding the right answers to all those questions, the help and guidance of a reliable and expert specialist is important. Someone who knows his way around in the world of personal injury. Someone who has an understanding of this world, knows the key players and the rules and above all gives advice in an expert and independent manner. And also has an eye for your personal situation and possible unfamiliarity with the Dutch culture and society and handles that in an appropriate manner.

The human scale

In my consulting practice as a personal injury expert, I have put the human scale and the importance of the victim at heart. And I will continue to do so in the future. This is personal attention and involvement. This approach and philosophy is reflected in the set up of my medical consulting practice as personal injury expert.

Reference: mediation to expert and reliable advocates

In a personal injury case, it is important that your interests are looked after as well as possible. An expert and trustworthy personal injury lawyer, personal injury attorney or personal injury adjustor has to defend your case.

Over the years, I have built up a large network of excellent attorneys, lawyers and personal injury adjustors who know their trade. Your case will be mediated by an advocate who suits your case. Tailor made, so to say.

Second opinion: independent and expert advice

Are you not sure about the quality delivered by your current advocate? Is the personal injury procedure going slow or are there other things not to your satisfaction? You can also call me in for independent and expert advice when applying for a second opinion.

Medical advice: to start appraisals by medical specialists

In many personal injury cases, the assessment of the final medical condition plays an important role. Based on my many years of experience in medical evaluations of personal injury, I guide victims through their advocate with the starting of appraisals by medical specialists.

This web site gives further insight in my work, working method and background.

For more information about your personal injury case, you can contact me.

Marco Blom
Medical doctor/medical adviser
Specialist in personal injury
Postbus 19227
3501 DE Utrecht

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Marco Blom
Arts/medisch adviseur
Specialist in letselschade
Postbus 19227
3501 DE Utrecht

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